State of Decay: YOSE (PC) 120 SEK

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State of Decay, along with major Add-Ons Breakdown and Lifeline, is now fully remastered in stunning 1080p. New missions, weapons, and extra content, along with improved lighting, textures, animations and combat mechanics, will pull you even deeper into the post-outbreak world. How will you survive the zombie apocalypse? 

New Missions 
Mysterious supply crates start dropping into remote areas across the map, attracting massive hordes of zombies. Wipe out the infestation and you can grab some of the rarest and most powerful equipment seen in State of Decay. 

New Survivors 
Your favorite characters from Lifeline can now be unlocked in Breakdown, including the previously unplayable Kelly “Sasquatch” Eldridge. 

New Vehicles 
Not only do players get a brand-new SUV, but custom vehicle skins are also distributed across all maps for greater personalization. 

New Weapons: Under-Barrel Grenade Launchers and Incendiary Shotguns 
Find new assault rifles equipped with under-barrel grenade launcher attachments as well as shotguns that fire incendiary rounds. 

Make your stand against the collapse of society in the ultimate zombie survival-fantasy game. Explore an open world full of dangers and opportunities that respond to your every decision. Recruit a community of playable survivors, each with their own unique skills and talents. Design and fortify your base against the relentless hordes of the undead. Perform daring raids for food and ammunition, and do whatever it takes to live another day.


Hur fungerar det? Får jag State of Decay: YOSE som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får State of Decay: YOSE produktnyckel (State of Decay: YOSE CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina State of Decay: YOSE produktnyckel (State of Decay: YOSE CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela State of Decay: YOSE. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Steam?

Inkluderer State of Decay: Year One, samt Breakdown Year One DLC og Lifeline Year One DLC.

Udvikler Undead Labs
Platform PC
Sprog Engelsk
Releasedag 05-06-2013
Systemkrav MINIMUM: 
Styresystem: Windows 7 
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 / Athlon X64 3400 
Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM 
Grafik: GeForce GTX 470 / Radeon HD 5850 / Intel HD 4600 
DirectX: Version 11 
Diskplads: 4158 MB tilgængelig plads
Styresystem: Windows 7 / Windows 8 
Processor: Intel Core i5-750 / AMD Athlon X4 760K 
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Genomsnittligt kundbetyg:
Bedömt av: Marcus Kinnerup på 2015-10-21

state of Decay. et fantastisk spille oplevelse, et randt overlevelses spil det kan bare ikke blive beder. Jeg syens det er et fedt spil, spiller det næsten helle tiden har næsten ikke løst til at spille andra spil lige pt. God og fantastisk grafik elsker det, ja man få sku nogle chok nogle gange fedt! man, det er et spil til mange gode karakter synes jeg. Playgames elsker jer ;-)
