The Evil Within (PC) 54 SEK

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Udviklet af Shinji Mikami - skaberen af ​​den skelsættende Resident Evil serien.
The Evil Within er rendyrket survival horror. Oplev en gruopvækkende virkelighed, som du forsøger at slippe ud af. Stå ansigt til  ansigt med gruopvækkende væsner og oplev ægte rædsel. Alt sammen forstærket af banebrydende belysning og animation muliggjort af en tilpasset version af id Tech 5 game engine.
Under efterforskningen af ​​gerningstedet for et grufuldt massemord, støder Detective Sebastian Castellanos og hans partnere på en mystisk og magtfuld kraft . Efter at have set nedslagtningen af andre officerer er Sebastian faldet i baghold og slået bevidstløs. Da han vågner , befinder han sig i en sindsforvirret verden, hvor hæslige skabninger vandrer blandt de døde .
Gennem ufattelige rædsel og kamp for overlevelse, Begiver Sebastian sig ud på en skræmmende rejse for at opklare, hvad der ligger bag denne onde kraft .


  • Pure Survival Horror Returns: Shinji Mikami, the father of survival horror is back to direct a chilling new game wrapped in haunting narrative. Tension and anxiety heighten dramatically as you explore the game's tortured world. You'll have limited resources at your disposal as you fight for your survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action. 
  • Brutal Traps and Twisted Creatures: Face unthinkable horrors and cruel traps as you struggle to survive against overwhelming odds. Turn evil against itself by using the same diabolical devices against overwhelming deadly creatures. 
  • Unknown Threats in an Uncertain World: Mysterious and wicked fears loom ahead in a world that warps and twists around you. Corridors, walls, doors, and entire buildings change in real-time, ensnaring players in a reality where threats can appear at any time and from any direction. 
  • The New Face of Horror: Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story weave together to create an immersive world that will bring players to the height of tension. Defeat insurmountable terror and experience the ultimate thrill by discovering The Evil Within. 

Hur fungerar det? Får jag The Evil Within som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får The Evil Within produktnyckel (The Evil Within CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina The Evil Within produktnyckel (The Evil Within CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela The Evil Within. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder The Evil Within? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Steam?

Inkluderer The Fighting Chance Pack which includes items, that when used correctly, will allow players to stave off death for a moment longer. This includes an extra Medical Kit, Green Gel used to upgrade Sebastian’s attributes, a Double Barrel Shotgun and Three Shells, an Incendiary Agony Bolt capable of showering enemies with damaging fire sparks and a Poison Agony Bolt that will attract and incapacitate enemies allowing Sebastian time for a quick escape.

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