Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast (PC/MAC) 44 SEK

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The Legacy of Star Wars Dark Forces™ and Star Wars® Jedi Knight lives on in the intense first-person action of Jedi Outcast. 

  • As Kyle Katarn, agent of the New Republic, use your Lightsaber and the full power of the Force to combat a new evil plaguing the galaxy. 
  • Wield over 8 Force abilities including the Jedi Mind Trick, Force Lightning and Force Grip. 
  • Choose wisely from an arsenal of 13 weapons including disruptor rifle, thermal detonators, trip mines and Wookiee bowcaster. 
  • Play on-line with 2-32 players or against a variety of AI Bots - and gain an additional 7 Force powers. 
  • Test your skills in 24 single-player missions and in 6 different types of multiplayer games including Jedi Master, Holocron, Capture the Ysalamiri, Duel, Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. 
  • Interact with legendary Star Wars characters such as Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian (featuring the voice of Billy Dee Williams as Lando.) 
  • Developed by critically acclaimed Raven Studios and powered by the Quake III Arena engine. 

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Platform PC/MAC
Sprog Engelsk Tysk
Releasedag 16-09-2003
Systemkrav OS: Windows 2000, XP or Vista 
Processor: Pentium II or Athlon 350 MHz 
Memory: 64 MB 
Graphics: 16 MB OpenGL compatible 
DirectX®: 9.0c 
Hard Drive: 800 MB 
Sound: Direct X 8.0a 
Multiplayer Requirements: Pentium II or Athlon 400MHz 
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