F.E.A.R. (PC) 96 SEK

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Be the hero in your own cinematic epic of action, tension and terror. A mysterious paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound, taking hostages but issuing no demands. The government responds by sending in a Special Forces team only to have them obliterated. Live footage of the massacre shows an inexplicable wave of destruction tearing the soldiers apart. With no other recourse, the elite F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) team is assembled to deal with the extraordinary circumstances. They are given one simple mission: Evaluate the threat and eliminate the intruders at any cost.

F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
Extraction Point kicks off where the original game ended – with a bang. As the helicopter which the F.E.A.R. team is on attempts to leave the vicinity, it instead winds up crashing. The F.E.A.R. team is thus forced to seek out an alternate extraction point, all the way battling the now free Alma and her paranormal minions across a destroyed city.

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
As the first F.E.A.R. team and Delta Force fight for control of the situation, a second F.E.A.R. team is sent in to shed some light on Armacham Technology Corporation's (ATC) dark past. As a member of a secondary F.E.A.R. team, you are brought in to discover more information regarding the secret project at the ATC facilities.

F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) is an intense combat experience with rich atmosphere and a deeply intense paranormal storyline presented entirely in first person. Be the hero in your own spine-tingling epic of action, tension, and terror... and discover the true meaning of F.E.A.R.

As part of this elite classified strike team created to deal with the most unusual and shocking of threats your mission is simple: Eliminate the intruders at any cost. Determine the origin of the signal. And contain this crisis before it spirals out of control.

  • Hyper-stylized combat for breathtaking cinematic quality action
  • Gripping supernatural storyline for spine-tingling intensity of play
  • Advanced graphics and physics for visceral movie-like experience
  • Enemies with special abilities and A.I. so intuitive it’s like battling living, breathing players

F.E.A.R. software © 2006-2010 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by Monolith Productions, Inc. F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate and F.E.A.R. Extraction Point developed by TimeGate Studios, Inc. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. F.E.A.R. and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD, MONOLITH and MONOLITH logo: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

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Nej, du får F.E.A.R. produktnyckel (F.E.A.R. CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina F.E.A.R. produktnyckel (F.E.A.R. CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela F.E.A.R.. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Genre Shooter
Platform PC
Systemkrav MINIMUM:
Operating System: Windows® XP, x64 or 2000 with latest service pack installed
Processor: Pentium® 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent processor
Memory: 512 MB of RAM or more
Graphics: 64 MB GeForce™ 4 Ti or Radeon® 9000 video card; Monitor that can display in 4:3 aspect ratio
DirectX®: 9.0c (August Edition) or higher
Hard Drive: 17 GB free Hard Drive
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