Lifeless (PC) 120 SEK

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Steam early access (Tidig tillgång) Utforska, spela och bli involverad i spelutveckling! Få omedelbar tillgång till Lifeless, som utvecklas i samarbete med samhället. Dessa spel utvecklas när du spelar dem och ger feedback, och utvecklarna lägger ständigt på nytt innehåll!

LIFELESS is in Early Access. This means the game is still in active development, and can change drastically throughout development. The Early Access of Lifeless will allow you to experience and make a difference as the game evolves during development. 

The team will continue to create new features throughout the process, and those who choose to purchase the game should expect missing content, bugs, incomplete content and potentially game breaking problems. 

Game Description: 

May 2021. Ten years have passed since patient zero. Ten years since the world turned into an infected wasteland... Two factions fight over resources, whilst battling an ever growing menace of infected humans. How will you choose to survive? 

Lifeless is a Massively Multiplayer Survival game, where you cooperate between players to survive a hostile environment. Experience an open world filled with environmental storytelling, and brutal, bloody combat. 

Key Features in the Early Access release: 

  • Welcome to Stillwater Bay. Maine’s most popular tourist spot has become a wasteland. Explore lush natural landscapes and deserted towns set after the world has collapsed. 
  • Learn To Survive. Find supplies, collect equipment, keep yourself fed and healthy to stay alive. 
  • Choose A Side. Two factions fight for survival. Choose between the civilian Nova Guard, or the crazed Spartan Phalanx. 
  • Fight For Your Life. Brutal, melee-focused combat means you have to get up close and personal if you want to save ammo. 
  • An Infected Threat. It’s not just the other faction you need to watch out for. Infected humans will stop at nothing to take you down.


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Nej, du får Lifeless produktnyckel (Lifeless CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Lifeless produktnyckel (Lifeless CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Lifeless. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

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Udvikler Rigid-Soft
Platform PC
Releasedag 16-06-2016
Systemkrav MINIMUM: 
Styresystem: Windows 7 32 bit SP1 
Processor: 8gb Ram, i5 current gen, GTX 960 
Hukommelse: 6 GB RAM 
Grafik: GeForce GTX 560 
DirectX: Version 10 
Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse 
Diskplads: 10 GB tilgængelig plads
Genomsnittligt kundbetyg:

Inga kundomdömen för tillfället.