The Witcher 3 + The Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition (PC) 294 SEK

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt spilbeskrivelse

Verden er i kaos. Luften er tyk af røgen fra afbrændte landsbyer og spænding. Det grusomme Nilfgaardian Imperium har igen drevet rov og ødelæggelse i de nordlige kongeriger. Den eneste, som har prøvet at kæmpe imod dem, var Geralt og han er for længst død og borte. Det er uvisse tider og hvem der klarer den og hvem der ikke gør er uvist. Hvem vil genskabe freden i denne del af verden?
En ondskab meget større har meldt sin ankomst. Små mænd render rundt i deres små rustninger på kryds og tværs af det nordlige kongerige, uvidende om den ondskab, som er på vej og for hvem krig blot er barneleg sammenlignet med den ødelæggelse mørket bringer. Dette mørke hungrer kun efter en ting: det som Geralt har mest kært, det som er hans et og alt.
Geralt har i fortiden rejst og knust monarkier, kæmpet mod legendariske monstre og reddet manges liv. Nu rejser han ud på en quest som er yderst personlig og som omhandler hans allernærmeste og hele verdens frelse.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Key Features

Kæmpe stor åben verden: 30 gange så stor som Witcher 2. Denne nye verden kræver nye metoder at udforske på, så som hesteridning og sejlads.

En stor levende verden: dette er en levende verden med eget økosystem og dyreliv, som alt sammen påvirkes af de valg Geralt træffer.

Alle beslutninger har konsekvenser: de valg du træffer vil ændre historien og verden omkring dig.

Unik atmosfære: spillets univers har sit egen unikke feel. Det er et klassiskt mørkt eventyr som vil tiltale fans af genren.

Ikke lineær: Spilleren kan løse opgaver/missioner i den rækkefølge han ønsker.

Intuitivt og unikt kampsystem: bunder i traditionel RPG kampsystem, men er blevet opdateret og er nu mere brugervenligt, med massere af dynamiske og voldsomme kampscener.

The Witcher Senses system bringer et nyt taktiskt lag til kampen: Ram din modstander der, hvor han er svagest ved hjælp af Geralts viden om det han jæger.

I Witcher 3 får man rigtig følelsen af hvad det vil sige at være jæger.

Baseret på bøgerne om Geralt: et unikt, dybt og stort spil som udspringer fra de legendariske bøger af Andrzej Sapkowski’s.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut spilbeskrivelse

Become The Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, a legendary monster slayer caught in a web of intrigue woven by forces vying for control of the world. Make difficult decisions and live with the consequences in an game that will immerse you in an extraordinary tale like no other. Representing the pinnacle of storytelling in role-playing games, The Witcher shatters the line between good and evil in a world where moral ambiguity reigns. The Witcher emphasizes story and character development in a vibrant world while incorporating tactically-deep real-time combat like no game before it.


The RPG of the Year (PC Gamer, GameSpy, IGN) is back in a Premium Edition packed with powerful extras! The Witcher: Enhanced Edition takes all of the acclaimed gameplay that garnered the original game more than 90 awards, and perfects it with a number of gameplay and technical improvements. 

  • Superior dialogue and cutscenes - The developers have re-recorded and rewritten more than 5000 lines of dialogue in English and redone the entire German edition to create more a more consistent experience, while adding more than 200 gesture animations to make characters behave more believably in dialogue and cutscenes. 
  • Enhanced inventory - The new inventory system makes item use and organization less complicated by introducing a separate sack for any alchemical ingredients, as well as a simple sort-and-stack function. 
  • Technical improvements - The enhancements made to the technical side of the game are too numerous to list, but a few of the highlights include greatly reduced loading times, greater stability, improved combat responsiveness, faster inventory loading, the option to turn autosave on or off, and more. 
  • Character differentiation system - To add more variety to NPC and monster appearances, we've added a new character differentiation system that randomizes the appearance and colors of dozens of in-game models. 
  • In your download you'll also get: Interactive Comic Book, D'jinni Adventure Editor, Two new adventures offering 5+ hours of gameplay, Official Soundtrack, Music Inspired by The Witcher album, Making-of videos, Official Game Guide, Two Maps of The Witcher's world
Key features: 
  • Geralt of Rivia: a one-of-a-kind protagonist
    • A charismatic and unique character, Geralt is a mutant swordmaster and professional monster slayer. 
    • Choose from over 250 special abilities correlated to attributes, combat skills and magical powers to build the character in a way best suited to tactical needs and style of play.
  • Original fantasy world drawn from literature 
  • Inspired by the writings of renowned Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. 
  • Featuring adult themes, less fairy-tale than typical fantasy, with mature social issues like racism, political intrigue and genocide. 
  • It is a harsh world where nothing is black or white, right or wrong, often forcing players to choose between the lesser of two evils to advance.
  • Full of turns, twists and ambiguous moral decisions which have real impact on the storyline. 
  • All quests can be accomplished in several ways and the game has three different endings depending on the player's actions and choices throughout the adventure.
  • Engage in complex yet intuitive real-time combat based on real medieval sword-fighting techniques. 
  • Motion capture performed by medieval fighting experts at Frankfurt's renowned Metric Minds studio, resulting in 600 spectacular and authentic in-game combat animations. 
  • Six combat styles, dozens of potions, complex alchemy system, modifiable weapons and powerful magic add tactical depth to the fluid real-time experience.
  • Non-linear and captivating storyline 
  • Stunning tactical action 


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Du får The Witcher 3 + The Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition som en digital nedladdning för

  • The Witcher 3
  • The Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition
Genre RPG
Publisher CD Projekt RED
Platform PC
Releasedag 18-05-2015
Systemkrav MINIMUM:
Styresystem: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10
Processor: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
Hukommelse: 6 GB RAM
Grafik: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
Diskplads: 35 GB tilgængelig plads
Styresystem: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10
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