Endless Space Disharmony (PC/MAC) 40 SEK

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Kräver grundspelet Endless Space - Emperor Special Edition på Steam för att kunna använda Endless Space Disharmony.

Disharmony brings a brand new experience to Endless Space players. A new faction with a unique play style, “The Harmony”, will make its appearance. Battles will be even more intense with the addition of fighters and bombers, battle formations, a new targeting system, a redesigned weapon system and enhanced invasion mechanics. The AI opponents will be significantly more unpredictable with the implementation of the new ‘Adaptive Multi-Agent System’. Prepare your empire for epic space battles! 
The Harmony had been moving since the birth of the universe, passing through the galaxies, seeking The Core. Their migration was deliberate, calm, inevitable. 
Dust was their downfall. In the galaxy of the Endless they were ensnared; this strange technological creation that affected particles, fields and waves broke the single movement of the Harmony into a cacophony of gravity-enchained individuals. The Harmony sees Dust as a menace or a plague, and has set out to rid the universe of its effects. 
For the rest of the galaxy, this cleansing is a minor apocalypse. The Harmony, creatures of mineral, see no difference between "inhabited" and "uninhabited" planets -- they are simply "infected" or "clean." And those that are infected will be dealt with ruthlessly… 
The Era of Disharmony has begun! 
A brand new Faction called “the Harmony” with a single objective in mind: Annihilate Dust!
New Fighter and Bomber units that will completely change the shape of combats, especially with the new Battle Formation and Targeting systems 
A complete rework of the Ship Design interface, including an improved Weapon System that provides family types for modules (melee, medium range and long range) 
New Invasion mechanics have been added: Prepare your population for Bombardments, Sieges and land Invasions! 
Expect to face a real challenge when playing against AI opponents with the New Adaptive Multi-Agent System (AMAS) 
Many other additions and features voted or requested by the community including such as 4 new Heroes or a new option to disable Exchange of Technologies

Hur fungerar det? Får jag Endless Space Disharmony som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får Endless Space Disharmony produktnyckel (Endless Space Disharmony CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Endless Space Disharmony produktnyckel (Endless Space Disharmony CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Endless Space Disharmony. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

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Virker Endless Space Disharmony også til Mac?

Ja, denne produktnøgle giver adgang til Endless Space Disharmony på både PC og Mac.

Publisher SEGA
Platform PC/MAC
Releasedag 26-06-2013
OS:Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 
Processor:Core 2 Duo Processor eller tilsvarende 
Hukommelse:2 GB RAM 
Grafik:256 MB DX9-kompatibel 
Harddisk:2 GB harddiskplads 
Lyd:DirectX 9-kompatibel lyd
OS:Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 
Processor:Core i5/i7 eller tilsvarende 
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