Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia (PC) 136 SEK

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The year is 878 AD, the embattled English king Alfred the Great has mounted a heroic defence at the battle of Edington, and blunted the Viking invasion. Chastened – but not yet broken – the Norse warlords have settled across Britain. For the first time in nearly 80 years, the land is in a fragile state of peace.

Throughout this sceptred isle, the kings of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales sense a time of change approaching; a time of opportunity. There will be treaties. There will be war. There will be turns of fortune that become the stuff of legend, in a saga that charts the ascent of one of history’s greatest nations.

Kings will rise. One will rule.

Thrones of Britannia is a standalone Total War game which will challenge you to re-write a critical moment in history, one that will come to define the future of modern Britain. With ten playable factions, you must build and defend a kingdom to the glory of Anglo-Saxons, Gaelic clans, Welsh tribes or Viking settlers. Forge alliances, manage burgeoning settlements, raise armies and embark on campaigns of conquest across the most detailed Total War map to date.

Choose your strategy
The Grand Campaign offers multiple routes to a glorious Victory; aggressively expand your territory through force of arms, acquire renown through construction, advanced technology and influence, or complete a series of unique objectives based on your chosen faction’s history. Once completed, steady yourself for a significant late-game challenge and the final, Ultimate victory condition.

Explore and conquer the British Isles
From the snowy highlands of Scotland to the orchards and meadows of Kent, push back the fog-of-war and unveil the extent of Anglo-Saxon Britain. Varied towns, cities and rural settings inspire a host of different battlefield environments. Experiment with the strategic opportunities afforded by newly capturable minor settlements. Throttle your enemies’ trade routes and coax them out of strong, defensible positions.

Viking warlord or Anglo-Saxon king, define their legend
Each faction will face a series of unique events and branching dilemmas, often based on authentic historical events and issues of the time. Embark on Viking expeditions, manage the Anglo-Saxon peasant economy, each faction feels and plays differently. Carve out unique roles for your King and Nobles, customise their impact by making meaningful choices about their development and determine how their story will unfold.

‘Classic’ Total War gameplay refined
Includes many updates to core Total War mechanics - such as provinces, politics, technologies, recruitment, dilemmas and much more - designed to make your experience more immersive and more meaningful.
Playable factions, cultures and kings:

Thrones of Britannia will include ten playable factions, from five cultures, with a summary below.
Anglo Saxon Kingdoms

When Roman rule in England concluded, new kingdoms of Germanic stock coalesced in the counties now known as Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex, East Anglia and Kent. The peoples of these regions came collectively to be known as the Anglo Saxons – a term which came into common usage in the 8th century in order to distinguish the English Saxons from the Old Saxons, or Ealdseaxe, of the European continent.

Broadly speaking, the Anglo Saxons existed between the collapse of Roman rule in the 5th century until the Norman invasion in the 11th century; the early Medieval period. Thrones of Britannia depicts the sweep of the British Isles from 878 AD onwards, when the Anglo Saxons were at their height.

Cultural Trait: Fyrd
In Anglo Saxon times, the Fyrd was a form of conscripted army composed of self-armed and armoured freemen, called upon to defend their lands when the need arose. One of Alfred the Great’s many reforms was to better formalise the system, ensuring wealthy landowners contributed men and materiel.

To reflect the Fyrd system, the English Kingdoms in Thrones of Britannia may recruit additional levy units based upon the number of settlements they own. Over-reliance on levy troops carries penalties however – if too many are fielded, the populace will rail against excessive conscription and public order issues will arise.

West Seaxe Faction, led by King Alfred

West Seaxe – or Wessex in modern English – was the seat of King Alfred’s rule. After the Viking invasion in 871 AD, Alfred was forced to relocate to Somerset, but his stunning victory at the Battle of Edington saw him return triumphant. His subsequent reign saw a great many reforms and unifying improvements instated.

West Seaxe Faction trait: Witan
The Witan is an assembly of governors which meets to discuss the future prospects of West Seaxe. Its recommendations are periodically presented to the player as a series of proposals. Each option carries positive and negative campaign effects, and can affect the faction’s use of Fyrd levy units.

Mierce Faction, led by King Ceowulf

From its capital city of Tamworth, Mercia’s kings ruled the area now known as the Midlands. At its height, Mierce stretched from Northumbria in the north of England to Kent, Sussex and Wessex to the south. In 877 AD, the Great Heathen Army seized the eastern part of the kingdom to form the Danelaw, or East Engle.

Faction trait: Hoards
When an excess of gold languishes in the treasury, a Mierce player is given the option to share out a portion of the wealth. It may be given to the army for reduced upkeep and increased replenishment, to the nobles for increased loyalty and greater income from markets, to the people for increased public order and income from farms, or players may keep it for themselves, incurring penalties to army upkeep and public order.


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Publisher SEGA
Platform PC
Sprog Engelsk Tysk
Releasedag 03-05-2018
Systemkrav MINIMUM:
Styresystem: Windows 7 64Bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 3.0Ghz
Hukommelse: 5 GB RAM
Grafik: NVIDIA GTX 460 1GB | AMD Radeon HD 5770 1GB | Intel HD4000 @720p
Diskplads: 30 GB tilgængelig plads

Styresystem: Windows 7 / 8 (8.1)/ 10 64Bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4570 3.20GHz
Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
Grafik: NVIDIA
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