Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) 632 SEK

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Heroes from across the Fire Emblem universe collide!

Clash with legions of soldiers and fierce monsters as Marth, Xander, Corrin, and other Fire Emblem heroes unleashing over-the-top-powerful Dynasty Warriors-style moves. Take direct control of known and original Fire Emblem characters, issue them strategic commands in the midst of battle, pair up heroes to unleash stunning attacks, and more. Unlock new playable heroes, each with their own unique moves, special attacks, weapon types, and voiced dialogue in this large-scale action game from the Hyrule Warriors team.


Play and experience a new kingdom with original characters colliding with heroes from across the Fire Emblem universe.
Battle as fan-favorite Fire Emblem heroes, like Chrom, Corrin, Ryoma, Marth, Xander and more, each with unique moves, special attacks, weapon types, and voiced dialogue.

Pair up two hero characters as a single unit that can unleash devastating combos and even switch between these heroes mid-attack.

With the classic weapons triangle, tactically choose and switch between Fire Emblem heroes to gain the advantage in combat against countless enemies.

amiibo functionality with all previously released Fire Emblem amiibo figures, plus with upcoming Chrom and Tiki amiibo figures.


Hur fungerar det? Får jag Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) produktnyckel (Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Nintendo Switch-plattformen för att lösa in dina Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) produktnyckel (Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch). Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder Fire Emblem Warriors? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Nintendo eShop?

Du får standard-udgaven af Fire Emblem Warriors som digital download til Nintendo eShop.

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