Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) 632 SEK

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Lead Rex, Pyra, and the world to refuge

As the giant beasts march toward death, the last hope is a scavenger named Rex—and Pyra, a living weapon known as a Blade. Can you find the fabled paradise she calls home? Command a group of Blades and lead them to countless strategic victories before the world ends.

Each Titan hosts its own distinct cultures, wildlife, and diverse regions to explore. Search the vast open areas and labyrinthine corridors for treasure, secret paths, and creatures to battle and index.

During these escapades you'll get to know a large cast of eclectic characters, including the weaponized life forms known as Blades. Gather these allies, bond with them to increase their power, and utilize their special ARTS to devastate enemies. But to save the world of Alrest, you must first demystify its cloudy past.

A new story in the Xenoblade Chronicles™ series
The next adventure is on the Nintendo Switch™ console—set on the backs of colossal, living Titans
Discover each Titan’s diverse regions, culture, wildlife, equipment, and hidden secrets
Find, bond with, and command weaponized life forms known as Blades to earn abilities and enhance them
Uncover the history of Alrest and the mystery of its endless ocean of clouds


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Hvad indeholder Xenoblade Chronicles 2? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Nintendo eShop?

Du får standard-udgaven af Xenoblade Chronicles 2 som digital download til Nintendo eShop.

Publisher Nintendo
Releasedag 01-12-2017
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