Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! (Nintendo Switch) 220 SEK

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Laugh-out-loud couch co-op, any way you cut it!

Hey, cut it out! No, really! In this action-puzzle game, paper pals Snip and Clip must cut each other up to overcome tricky obstacles…or just to laugh their heads off (sometimes literally). Partner up with friends or family to cut the heroes into the right shapes, interact with objects, and solve a world of imaginative puzzles.

Someone grab a paper weight—these puzzles just won't stay still! The only limitation to solve puzzles is your imagination. Snip may need to cut Clip into a needle to pop balloons, or maybe they'll have to team up to form a squawking, egg-laying bird!

When playing together, prove you're a cut above the rest in Blitz mode, where 2-4 players* can compete in a series of puzzlingly action-packed challenges. Three is never a crowd when you're paper thin, so make it a party! In Party mode, up to four players* can team up to solve tough challenges. Ready or not, this couch co-op is a riot, any way you cut it!


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Hvad indeholder Snipperclips - Cut it out, together!? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Nintendo eShop?

Du får standard-udgaven af Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! som digital download til Nintendo eShop.

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