Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch) 736 SEK

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Gaming icons clash in the ultimate brawl you can play anytime, anywhere! Smash rivals off the stage as new characters Simon Belmont and King K. Rool join Inkling, Ridley, and every fighter in Super Smash Bros. history. Enjoy enhanced speed and combat at new stages based on the Castlevania series, Super Mario Odyssey, and more!

Having trouble choosing a stage? Then select the Stage Morph option to transform one stage into another while battling—a series first! Plus, new echo fighters Dark Samus, Richter Belmont, and Chrom join the battle. Whether you play locally or online, savor the faster combat, new attacks, and new defensive options, like a perfect shield. Jam out to 900 different music compositions and go 1-on-1 with a friend, hold a 4-player free-for-all, kick it up to 8-player battles and more! Feel free to bust out your GameCube controllers—legendary couch competitions await—or play together anytime, anywhere!


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Nej, du får Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch) produktnyckel (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch) CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Nintendo Switch-plattformen för att lösa in dina Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch) produktnyckel (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch) CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch). Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder Super Smash Bros? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Nintendo eShop?

Du får standard-udgaven af Super Smash Bros som digital download til Nintendo eShop.

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