Yoshi's Crafted World (Nintendo Switch) 632 SEK

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Lead Yoshi on a brand new adventure that will turn everything you've come to expect from side-scrolling games upside down! Explore a great, big world decorated like a miniature diorama in a new art style for the franchise, where each side-scrolling stage has the traditional front side as well as a flip side with different views and surprises. Look for items throughout the stage as Yoshi makes his way to the goal. You can even join up with a friend!


  • Join Yoshi in this new action platforming game
  • Each course offers both a main path and a hidden path that offers different views and surprises
  • The lively art style looks like a minature diorama
  • Enjoy simultaneous 2-player action

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Du får standard-udgaven af Yoshi's Crafted World som digital download til Nintendo

Publisher Nintendo
Sprog Engelsk
Releasedag 29-03-2019
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