Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch) 651 SEK

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Slam, blow away, and vacuum up ghosts with the all-new Poltergust G-00, and join forces with Gooigi to overcome the puzzling contraptions and mischievous boss on each themed floor. And that’s just the Last Resort. Enter the ScareScraper for 8-player local wireless* or online** co-op gameplay. 

See if you can defeat all the ghosts, rescue all the toads, or clear other objectives before time runs out…in the ScareScraper! And for more mini-game madness, compete on teams at the ScreamPark! Whether you play with friends or wander the hotel alone, you’ll be sucked in by the atmospheric music and ghoulish décor of every cobwebby corner you explore. Why not take in the cinematic sights and sounds with a friend? In the main adventure, you and a friend can play together as Luigi and Gooigi in two-player co-op! Gooigi can walk on spikes, slip through tight spaces, and help Luigi overcome obstacles he can’t tackle alone. Never hurts to have a friend in this hotel; it may not be very spooky, but Luigi begs to differ!


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Nej, du får Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch) produktnyckel (Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch) CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Nintendo Switch-plattformen för att lösa in dina Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch) produktnyckel (Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch) CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch). Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder Luigi’s Mansion 3? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Nintendo eShop?

Du får standard-udgaven af Luigi’s Mansion 3 som digital download til Nintendo eShop.

Publisher Nintendo
Sprog Engelsk
Releasedag 31-10-2019
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