Destiny 2: Shadowkeep (PC) 249 SEK

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As heroes turn their attention to the frontiers of our galaxy, new nightmares have emerged. Join Eris Morn on the Moon, arm yourself with new Exotic gear, and brave the Black Garden and Pit of Heresy. You must confront a sinister evil before it reaches out to cast humanity back into an age of darkness.

Hunt For New Gear
Construct weapons out of Nightmare Essence, gather Vex-themed gear, and collect new Exotics from mysterious quests and from the wrongful hands of your enemies.

Raid: Garden of Salvation
A signal emerges and reaches beyond dimensions, into the uncharted wilds of the Black Garden. One that whispers with temptation, yearning to be solved.

Dungeon: Pit of Heresy
Fight your way beneath the Lunar surface and descend into the heart of the Pit of Heresy dungeon. Face hordes of Hive and uncover an ancient evil.

Rise to New Heights
Raise your power to new heights and explore the darkened corners of the Moon, where Nightmare Hunts will present you with challenges once thought impossible.

Legal Notice / EULA

Minimum 105 GB available hard drive storage space required as of October 1, 2019. Storage requirements subject to increase. After October 1, 2019, see for current requirements prior to purchase. May require additional storage for set-up, features and updates, including to download mandatory in-game updates to continue playing. Users responsible for fees for broadband internet, which is required. Additional charges may apply for online content and features.

Using the software constitutes acceptance of the Destiny Software License Agreement at Bungie may modify or discontinue online services without notice at any time.

© 2019 Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie Logo are among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc.


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Vad innehåller Destiny 2: Shadowkeep? Får jag samma innehåll som med Steam?

Du får standard-versionen av Destiny 2: Shadowkeep som en digital nedladdning för Steam.

Publisher Bungie
Platform PC
Sprog Engelsk
Releasedag 01-10-2019
Systemkrav MINIMUM:
Kräver en 64-bitars processor samt operativsystem
OS: Windows® 7 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3 3250 3.5 GHz or Intel Pentium G4560 3.5 GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz
Minne: 6 GB RAM
Grafik: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 2GB or GTX 1050 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB
Nätverk: Bredbandsanslutning
Lagring: 105 GB l
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