Reigns: Her Majesty (PC/MAC) 29 SEK

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Reigns: Her Majesty is the revolutionary follow-up to the smash swipe ‘em up hit Reigns. A cultural renaissance has bestowed the world with a new era of knowledge and enlightenment but greed and jealousy still conspire against the benevolent queen. Outwit and outlast those that would seek to depose you and your husband by swiping left or right, making just (or unjust) decisions on all manner of royal matters. Maintain the balance between the kingdom’s most powerful factions, use mystical items from your inventory, and navigate the increasingly complex politics and personal relationships of your dynasty.

New Kingdom, New Drama:
 Your royal decrees and unpredictable requests of the people will shape both your time on the throne and the future of your dynasty. Carefully navigate the foolish politics and emotional pleas of the kingdom’s eccentric subjects to find balance between the most powerful factions of the land.

Mystical Inventory: Find and upgrade five special items in a new inventory system. Use your powerful items on character cards and unlock special paths in the ever more complex narrative of your kingdom.

Royal Challenges: Reach specific goals set before each new monarch’s reign to unlock new sets of cards and new directions to take the story of your dynasty.

Nerial and Friends: Reigns: Her Majesty is a collaboration between François Alliot (design/programming), Arnaud de Bock (art), Jim Guthrie (music), and Leigh Alexander (narrative director).


Hur fungerar det? Får jag Reigns: Her Majesty som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får Reigns: Her Majesty produktnyckel (Reigns: Her Majesty CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Reigns: Her Majesty produktnyckel (Reigns: Her Majesty CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Reigns: Her Majesty. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Vad innehåller Reigns: Her Majesty? Får jag samma innehåll som med Steam?

Du får standard-versionen av Reigns: Her Majesty som en digital nedladdning för Steam.

Fungerar Reigns: Her Majesty också för Mac?

Ja, den här produktnyckeln ger tillgång till Reigns: Her Majesty som en digital nedladdning för Steam på både PC och Mac.

Publisher Devolver Digital
Platform PC/MAC
Sprog Engelsk
Releasedag 06-12-2017
Systemkrav Windows:
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 32-bit and 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo T5600 (2 * 1830)
Minne: 1 GB RAM
Grafik: GeForce Go 7600 (128 MB)
Lagring: 150 MB ledigt utrymme
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 32-bit and 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i7-950 (4 * 3000)
Minne: 4 GB RAM
Grafik: GeForce GTX 760 (2048 MB)
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