Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Vietnam & Kublai Khan Civilization & Scenario Pack (PC/MAC) 99 SEK

The Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack introduces Bà Triệu as the leader of Vietnam and Kublai Khan as an alternate leader of either China or Mongolia. Also included is the new Monopolies and Corporations game mode, as well as a new district (The Preserve), with new buildings (the Grove and the Sanctuary).

This new content pack introduces Bà Triệu as the leader of Vietnam and Kublai Khan as an alternate leader of either China or Mongolia.

*Civilization VI is required to play add-on content and some features of the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack require the Civilization VI Expansion Bundle to work.

Includes the Vietnam civilization with Bà Triệu, the Voi Chiến unique unit, and the Thành unique building.

  • Civ Unique Ability: Vietnam’s unique ability is “Nine Dragon River Delta.” All land specialty districts can only be built on Rainforest, Marsh, or Woods tiles. Buildings on each type of tile receive either additional Science, Production, or Culture. This ability also allows Woods to be planted with the Medieval Faires civic.
  • Leader Unique Ability: Bà Triệu’s unique ability, “Drive Out the Aggressors,” provides additional Combat Strength for units fighting in Rainforest, Marsh, or Woods tiles; this bonus is further increased for tiles owned by Vietnam. Beginning a turn in Rainforest, Marsh, or Woods also provides additional Movement, which is also further increased for tiles owned by Vietnam.
  • Unique Unit: Vietnam features the unique Medieval era ranged unit, the Voi Chiến . This unit can move after attacking and has additional Movement. It is more expensive than the Crossbowman unit it replaces, but is stronger when defending and has greater sight.
  • Unique District: The Thanh unique district offers additional Culture for each adjacent district. Once Flight is researched, the district generates Tourism equal to its Culture output. It does not require Population and is cheaper to build than the Encampment district it replaces.

Also includes Kublai Khan as an alternate leader for China and Mongolia (requires the Rise and Fall expansion to play as Mongolia.)

  • Leader Unique Ability: Kublai Khan’s unique ability, “Gerege,” provides one extra Economic policy slot in any government. It also grants a random Eureka and Inspiration when establishing a Trading Post in another civilization’s city for the first time.
  • As a leader of China, Kublai Khan’s science boosts are even more powerful, and his extra policy slot empowers economic strategies. As a leader of Mongolia, Kublai Khan leverages trade routes for military might.

New “Monopolies and Corporations” Game Mode

The Vietnam and Kublai Khan pack also introduces the new game mode, Monopolies and Corporations. This optional game mode elevates strategic economic gameplay to a whole new level, offering enticing new rewards based on claiming, acquiring, and exploiting map resources in every era.

  • Create an Industry around duplicate Luxury resources to grant powerful buffs to host cities and provide bonus Great Merchant points.
  • Transform Industries into Corporations, which can be given customized names, increase Industry effects, and create Products. Products can be shipped to other cities to share Industry effects throughout a civilization.
  • A Monopoly is created when a civilization dominates the global supply of a Luxury Resource. Monopolies provide additional Tourism and can significantly increase the Gold generated each turn.

New district and new buildings:
The Vietnam and Kublai Khan content pack also includes a new district and new buildings:

  • New District: The Preserve district is placed in a secluded area untouched by infrastructure.  It can Culture-bomb adjacent unowned tiles, gains additional Housing based on Appeal, and increases the Appeal of adjacent tiles.
  • New Buildings: Two buildings can be constructed in the Preserve district. The Grove unlocks with Mysticism, while the Sanctuary unlocks with Conservation. Both increase the yields of adjacent Charming and Breathtaking tiles that have not been improved.

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The Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack introduces Bà Triệu as the leader of Vietnam, Kublai Khan as an alternate leader of either China or Mongolia, a new Monopolies and Corporations game mode, as well as a new district with new buildings.

Publisher 2K Games Aspyr (Mac)
Udvikler Firaxis Aspyr (Mac)
Platform PC/MAC
Releasedag 28-01-2021
Systemkrav Steam account is required for game activation and installation
PC System Requirements:
操作系统:Windows 7 64位/8.1 64位/10 64位
处理器:Intel Core i3 2.5 Ghz或AMD Phenom II 2.6 Ghz及以上
内存:4 GB RAM
硬盘:至少12 GB剩余空间
显卡:1 GB DirectX 11显卡(AMD 5570、nVidia 450或Intel 530集成显卡)
操作系统:Windows 7 64位/8.1 64位/10 64位
处理器:第四代Intel C
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