NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM (PC) 220 SEK
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM allows players to battle in full 3D across massive environments. Players will unleash powerful jutsu attacks, perform acrobatic evasive maneuvers and even run up walls and over water as they pursue their opponent for ninja supremacy. Players will be able to customize their character's fighting style and recruit up to two support characters to put their own stamp on the action. NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM has been remastered in HD.

Legal Information

Game © 2008 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.


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Nej, du får NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM produktnyckel (NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM produktnyckel (NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM allows players to battle in full 3D across massive environments. Players will unleash powerful jutsu attacks, perform acrobatic evasive maneuvers and even run up walls. NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM has been remastered in HD.
Platform PC
Releasedag 01-11-2008
Systemkrav Steam account required for game activation and installation
PC System Requirements - TBC
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