LunarLux is an anime-inspired action-adventure RPG that takes place on the Moon! A thousand years ago, humanity lived on the now volcanic and lifeless earth-like planet known as Terra. Due to the planetary catastrophe, ASTRA, humans were forced to find a new home. Unfortunately, no habitable planet existed within a reasonable distance, so the remaining survivors made their way to Luna, the moon that orbits Terra.
Filled with hope, dreams, and determination, Humanity continued to survive and flourish in a new home. Centuries later in the year 30XX, Luna became home to some of the most brilliant human minds in existence (and their creations). However, humanity's existence is now threatened by an oncoming antimatter comet - the same comet that wiped out the people of Terra a thousand years ago!
Join Lunar Warrior Bella as she fights her way across the Moon to find a way to destroy the comet before it wipes out life as we know it! Battle the mysterious monsters known as Murks using a hybrid turn & action-based battle system, uncover the secrets of a lost civilization, and save the Moon!
Explore Luna!
Grab your gear and set out across the moonscape. Enjoy a stroll through the Lunar landscape or take flight and zip around the maps with your Jet Suit! You can also fly to different locations on Luna with your own customizable spaceship!
LunarLux also mixes real-world scientific theories with sci-fi concepts to explore the many ways in which humanity can live on the moon!
In LunarLux, Almost EVERYTHING is interactable! Make friends with the local rocks (You read that correctly), enjoy the hidden easter eggs and references, pet the dogs 20 times for unique dialogue and interactions, dumpster dive through every trashcan forever in search of hidden items, and so much more!
Unleash Your Lux!
Braving the moonscape will require more than just a good eye and patience for clicking. In LunarLux's unique turn & action battle system: Timing is just as important as choosing attacks!
Obtain up to 40 Active Skills and 30 Support Skills, with their own unique mechanics to master!
Unleash powerful attacks known as Lux Combo, combining and stacking Active and Support skills to create thousands of possible combos! Once your Lux Meter fills up in battle, you can perform a Lux Combo by choosing ANY 3 Active Skills to Stack together! Stacking 3 of the same Skill usually results in a unique combo, but the most powerful attacks require more specific combinations – all of which can be found through recipe items while exploring the moon!
Up to 30 Unique Combos can be performed!
Save Luna!
Complete missions with your trusty robot sidekick Tetra! Tetra will be able to DIVE into malfunctioning networks (via control panels) to assist Bella during missions! Each Network will look distinctly different from others with its own mini-game challenges to overcome! Each network is rendered in a beautiful retro 8-bit style; a perfect aesthetic for a feature that involves hacking into computers and the digital world!
Experience a story-rich plot filled with twists and turns! Not only are you tasked with stopping the comet and fighting Murks, but you also have to contend with strong rivals like the Murk Slayer; a ruthless treasure hunter who distrusts authority and seeks justice for the corruption and crimes committed against him.
There's a conspiracy afoot, and a mystery to be unraveled! Will Bella and Tetra be able to find the true villain lurking in the shadows?
Science and Knowledge... are the ultimate power! Soon, humanity will witness the infinite potential of the universe’s strongest cosmic energy: Antimatter! In LunarLux, “The power of Science is Astronomical!
Hur fungerar det? Får jag LunarLux som en fysisk kopia?
Nej, du får LunarLux produktnyckel (LunarLux CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina LunarLux produktnyckel (LunarLux CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela LunarLux. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
What does LunarLux contain? Will I receive the same content as on Steam? You will receive the standard edition of LunarLux as a digital download for Steam.
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