Millennia: Atomic Ambitions (PC) 387 SEK

Kräver grundspelet Millennia på Steam för att kunna använda Millennia: Atomic Ambitions.


Unleash the immense power concentrated in the building blocks of the universe in Atomic Ambitions, the latest expansion for Millennia focusing on late game. Explore the prosperity of a radioactively powered retro-future wonderland in the Age of Atom. Or pursue world domination using the most powerful weapons ever invented and risk plunging the world into the post-apocalyptic doom of the Age of Wasteland.

Features of Millennia: Atomic Ambitions include:

  • Uranium and Pollution: Power your atomic dreams with a new resource - uranium - at the risk of accumulating nuclear waste. Pre-nuclear ages will see the accumulation of pollution and biological waste, challenging you to manage the outputs of a human society.

  • Age of Atom: A new Variant Age for Age 7, this timeline is inspired by early 20th-century imaginings of the future powered by atomic energy. Uranium is revealed on the map, and waste-free reactors power your cities. Being too enthusiastic about the new technology runs the risk of meltdowns.

  • Age of Wasteland: This Crisis Age for Age 9 is a science fiction setting made real. In the aftermath of a global nuclear war, cities lay desolate, and the terrain is decorated with the scars of catastrophe. Scavenge the remnants of civilization for resources, fight fierce raiders, and rebuild your society faster than your enemies to claim victory.

  • DEFCON System: As the arms race heats up, keep rivals in line (and prevent panic amongst your population) by maintaining the largest nuclear arsenal. Tread carefully however, mistakes and aggressive actions can move the DEFCON level - maybe enough to trigger a global nuclear exchange.

  • Three New National Spirits: Take full advantage of the new Strategic Warfare system early through the Siege Master National Spirit, which focuses on building siege weapons like Ballistae and Siege Towers. The Nuclear Superiority National Spirit gives you tools to dominate militarily during the Arms Race. The Flower Child National Spirit allows you to try to oppose nuclear weapons and bring the world to its senses before things get out of hand.

  • Wasteland Start: Begin your game on a Wasteland map and relive the rise of civilization from a starting place more challenging than the Stone Age.

  • Strategic Warfare: Additional strategic warfare options.


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Nej, du får Millennia: Atomic Ambitions produktnyckel (Millennia: Atomic Ambitions CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Millennia: Atomic Ambitions produktnyckel (Millennia: Atomic Ambitions CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Millennia: Atomic Ambitions. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Unleash the immense power concentrated in the building blocks of the universe in Atomic Ambitions. Explore the prosperity of a radioactively powered retro-future wonderland in the Age of Atom.

Udvikler C Prompt Games
Platform PC
Sprog Engelsk Tysk
Releasedag 12-11-2024
Systemkrav Steam account is required for game activation and installation.
Dette innholdet krever hovedspillet Millennia på Steam for å kunne spilles.
Windows Requirements
  • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
  • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
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