For centuries, the Church has ruled humanity in the name of defense from the thousand-eyed snake living within the bowels of the world. As its Immortal Hunters held the line against the nightmarish Khemrids, servants of the snake god, humanity was rallied in service of the Holy War. All the Cardinals asked for in return was obedience.
As the War raged, heretics and blasphemers were sent to the dungeons, ancient scriptures at odds with Church dogma were burnt to cinders, while the most faithful were also burned. As they were martyred by the Church, their bodies fueled the Holy Fire, the only thing the Khemrids feared, apart from the Church's holy warriors.
All they managed was delaying the inevitable. As the Khemrids launch their final invasion, the Apocalypse unfolds. Among the ruins of the capital city, you take control of one of four surviving Hunters, using their unique abilities to fight your way across the burning urban landscape, experiencing a story full of unpredictable turns of events that may yet see the world saved!
As the Church and the Khemrid invasion collide, the Hunters are stuck in between with unlikely heroes, brazen heretics, lying Cardinals, and everyone else stuck in the city. As it burns, experience the End Times from four different perspectives. The clash of the titans sets in motion a hundred other battles: Ambition and lust for power tear the Church apart, a brave heretic stands up to the corruption, and the truth struggles to be heard after centuries of oppression.
Ultimately, it will be you, as one of the Immortal Hunters, who will define the fate of the world. Battle the Khemrid hordes, make difficult choices, unearth long forgotten lore, discover ancient secrets suppressed by the Cardinals, and maybe you'll have a chance of averting the Apocalypse. Are you up to the challenge?
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Nej, du får Immortal Hunters produktnyckel (Immortal Hunters CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Immortal Hunters produktnyckel (Immortal Hunters CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Immortal Hunters. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
God is dead, killed by a mighty Church that conquered the world with his power. Now, it faces the Apocalypse. Experience it in an RPG beat 'em up as one of its Immortal Hunters. Defy fate, expose the lies of the Cardinals, and find a reborn God before the Khemrids destroy humanity.
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