Kräver grundspelet Stellaris: Standard Edition på Steam för att kunna använda Stellaris: BioGenesis.
5. maj 2025
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Kräver grundspelet Stellaris: Standard Edition på Steam för att kunna använda Stellaris: BioGenesis.
Evolution had its chance. Now it’s our turn.
In Stellaris: BioGenesis, step into the role of a master geneticist, sculpting the galaxy to your design with living ships, engineered ecosystems, and enhanced species. Forge new paths with unparalleled bioengineering tools to create a civilization that thrives on adaptability and evolution – or exploit these tools to dominate the stars.
But beware, the wonders of life may harbor unforeseen dangers, including ancient threats lurking in the depths of space. The line between creator and creation blurs as you unravel the mysteries of life itself, unlocking the power to forge a living weapon capable of reshaping the galaxy – or devouring it.
Key Features:
Overhauled Genetic Ascension
Choose from three Ascension paths (Cloning, Purity, and Mutation) and over 18 enhanced authorities. Customize your genetic ascension by blending Purity, Cloning, and Mutation traditions into a unique path for your play style.
Biological Ships
Command living fleets that evolve alongside your empire. Customize these genetic marvels for specialized roles, from ferocious battleships to adaptable support vessels, each capable of empowering allies and weakening foes.
Player Crisis Path
Three New Origins
Hives with a Twist
Encounter a Hive Fallen Empire, a fractured hive mind struggling to awake between its three splintered personalities.
Six New Civics
Deep Space Citadel Megastructure
A versatile new defensive station capable of holding off powerful enemy fleets at any system.
Phenotype Species Traits
16 New Species traits.
And much more!
Hur fungerar det? Får jag Stellaris: BioGenesis som en fysisk kopia?
Nej, du får Stellaris: BioGenesis produktnyckel (Stellaris: BioGenesis CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Stellaris: BioGenesis produktnyckel (Stellaris: BioGenesis CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Stellaris: BioGenesis. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
Take command of the forces of life itself in Stellaris: BioGenesis. Engineer living ships, terraform entire ecosystems, and wield advanced genetic tools to shape the destiny of your empire. Will you create a utopia of adaptation and growth or weaponize biology to dominate the stars?
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