Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall Of The Samurai (PC/MAC) 90 SEK

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The standalone expansion to the award-winning Total War™: SHOGUN 2 explores the conflict between the Imperial throne and the last Shogunate in 19th century Japan, 400 years after the events of the original game. A dramatic clash of traditional Samurai culture with the explosive power of modern weaponry.

Guide ancient Japan into the modern age, as the arrival of America, Britain and France incites a ferocious civil war which will decide the future of a nation.

  • Dramatic 19th century Japan setting
    Based on the backdrop of the Boshin War period, the new campaign starts in 1864, a time of growing resentment against Western colonial power and influence. As Japan begins to modernise and industrialise, the inevitable social and economic changes lead to increasingly militant nationalism and antipathy towards the Shogunate.
  • 6 new playable clans
    Play as a clan supporting the Imperial throne, or the last Shogunate:
    • Shogunate clans: Aizu, Nagaoka, Jozai
    • Imperial clans: Choshu, Satsuma, Tosa
  • New foreign powers
    The American, British and French nations play an important part in the story of the Boshin war, and your relations with these foreign powers will be integral to unit recruitment and to advancing your technology trees.
  • New 19th century Japan campaign map
  • The new island of Ezo extends the SHOGUN 2 campaign map northwards.
  • Fully refreshed towns and other campaign map features reflect the new time period, with railways making their first appearance in a Total War title.
  • Develop your own railway network to move armies and agents between your regions.
  • Railways can be sabotaged and transport can be blocked by enemy armies who take control of parts of the line or stations.
  • Including modern ranged units - such as the Gatling gun and Armstrong gun - controllable in a new third-person mode.
  • New units can also be recruited from foreign powers, including the British Royal Marines, US Marine Corps and French Marines.
  • New steam-powered warships, heavily armed with modern artillery.
  • Foreign ironclad ships can also be purchased, including the Warrior-class ironclad.
  • This new battle type triggers when attempting a naval assault on an occupied enemy port.
  • The attacking fleet must sail into the harbour and capture the port, running the gauntlet of coastal gun defences.
  • During a land battle, armies can call in offshore artillery support barrages.
  • Conversely, costal gun emplacements can target enemy ships during port siege battles, when ending their turn within the range of upgraded coastal defences.
  • Campaign map bombardments: offshore naval units can bombard armies and cities in adjacent coastal areas on the campaign map itself.
  • The Foreign Veteran, the Ishin Shishi and the Shinshengumi.
  • Each new agent has its own skill tree, and Ninja and Geisha agents have had their skill trees updated with new abilities.
  • New upgradable tower defences can be built with a specific defence specialty: archery, matchlock or Gatling gun.
  • New Conquest map reflecting the 19th century setting
  • Brand-new Fall of the Samurai avatar, including:
    • Over 40 new retainers
    • Over 30 new armour pieces
    • New 19th century avatar skill tree
  • Multiple avatars: players can enjoy multiple careers and progression across Shogun 2 and Fall of The Samurai
  • Campaign map railways
  • 39 new land units
  • 10 new naval unit types with a total of 21 ships
  • New port siege battle type
  • New land and sea unit interactions
  • 3 new agent types
  • Improved siege battle mechanics
  • Multiplayer 2.0

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Du får standard-udgaven af Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall Of The Samurai.

Platform PC/MAC
Systemkrav  Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.6 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2800+
Memory: 2 Gb
Hard Drive: 20 Gb free
Video Memory: 256 Mb
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
Recommended System Requ
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Genomsnittligt kundbetyg:
Bedömt av: Noa Ludvigsen på 2013-09-17

Faktisk utroligt sjovt at diregere enheder direkte mod fjenden imens du hagler modstanderen ned med krudt og at bryde fjendens flanke med kavaleri. Ren massakre. Spilet er en smule indviklet (specielt for en ny spiller) men efter 30 timer nu, går alt som smurt ;)
Tag kontrol over Japan, indtag 25 provinser. Lyder simpelt. Det synes jeg ikke det var. Jeg endte med at gå bankerot, og mine tropper var overalt i små grupper. Det var ikke helt godt. Spillet kræver en del af din processor, specielt med meget store hære. Så det kræver nogle gange en lidt badass computer.
Men oplevelsen gennem det hele var rigtig god. Et godt strategi spil, hvis jeg skulle sige det. Klart anbefales ^^

Bedömt av: jonas caspersen på 2012-08-26

Dette er et super spil til dig, der enten bare synes Total War Shogun 2 er super fedt, og gerne vil have mere.
Men også til dig der bedre kan lide lidt mere nutid, og skydevåben som i Empire- og Napoleon-Total War.

For Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall Of The Samurai har bare det hele.
Jeg har selv moder spillet Total War Shogun 2, men til dig der ikke lige er til oldtid synes jeg da bare du skal købe dette spil da det er et uafhængigt spil!!!

Ellers er det bare super fedt at blande Gatling-guns og Samuraier ;)
