PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC (PC) 23 SEK

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Kräver grundspelet Payday The Heist på Steam för att kunna använda PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC.


PAYDAY The Heist Wolfpack is the much anticipated, first DLC pack for this action filled FPS that lets players take on the role of hardened career criminals in constant pursuit of the next 'big score'. Load out with an array of brand new weaponry including the new pistol, automatic rifle, or the grenade launcher which can kill many enemies in one blow, as you execute two intense new heists and 48 new levels.

  • New Handgun: The STRYK, Full Auto Pistol
  • New Primary Weapon: The AK, Automatic Rifle
  • New Secondary Weapon: The GL40, Grenade Launcher
  • New Deployable Equipment: The Sentry gun - based on internet blueprints
  • 2 New Heists: Undercover (transfer money to your account from the IRS) and Counterfeit (secret operation in the Sunshine State)
  • New Skilltree: Raise your level cap to 193 with the new Technician Specialty
  • 2 New Player Upgrades: The Tool Kit - so you can interact faster
  • Hosting Ability: Invite friends to play in the new DLC maps even if they do not own the DLC themselves
  • 6 New Steam Achievements: Ready to be unlocked by those who are worthy

Hur fungerar det? Får jag PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC som en fysisk kopia?

Nej, du får PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC produktnyckel (PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC produktnyckel (PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!

Hvad indeholder PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC? Får jeg samme indhold som hos Steam?

Du får PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC, som er en udvidelsespakke, der kræver grundspillet.

Genre Action
Platform PC
Systemkrav Minimum:
OS:Windows xp, Vista, 7
Processor:P4 3 GHz or Athlon 3400+
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics:NVIDIA 7800GTX or ATI x1900
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
OS:Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor:Core 2 Duo or Athlon x2
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:NVIDIA 260 or ATI
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